Mags Direct Still Open During Coronavirus Pandemic

[last updated 25th March 2020]

We thought we better let you know how we are at Mags Direct during the Coronavirus pandemic, and to reassure you that any orders you place with us are still being processed, with our mailing department still working in a safe and responsible environment.  As an online-only business, we are able to continue to stay open and continue our next day UK service*.

The back-office and IT functions have all been working remotely from home for over a week – and due to our technology solutions are able to keep in touch and run this website as if we were in the office.

We are actually working with our publishers to make more stock and magazines available to you – moving copy from closed physical shops to our stock area.  We have been able to add all editions of the amazing Radio Times to our website for example.  Look out for more titles coming very soon!


* as always, we aim to dispatch any orders place before 12 noon the SAME DAY, and post every magazine 1st class Royal Mail.

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